Y4 Multiplication Table Check
The Year 4 Multiplication check (MTC) is an online test that checks how well pupils can recall the times tables up to 12×12. It was introduced by the government in 2020 to make sure that all children master this important skill by the end of primary school.
The MTC is taken by pupils in Year 4 (usually aged 8 or 9) in June. It has 25 questions that are randomly chosen from the 2 to 12 times tables. Pupils have 6 seconds to answer each question, and a 3-second pause between questions. The questions are weighted to focus more on the 6, 7, 8, 9, and 12 times tables, as these are harder.
The MTC is not a formal exam, but a way of seeing whether pupils have reached the expected standard in times tables. The results are not published or used for league tables, but are reported to schools and parents to inform them of the pupils’ progress and identify any gaps. The MTC also helps teachers plan their teaching and support pupils who need it.
The MTC is compulsory for all pupils in Year 4 who go to state-funded schools in England, including maintained schools, academies, free schools, and special schools. However, some pupils may be exempt from the MTC if they have special educational needs or disabilities that stop them from accessing the test, or if they are working below the level of the test.
The MTC is a quick and easy way of assessing the times tables fluency of pupils in Year 4. It helps to ensure that all children have a solid foundation for learning more maths in the future. Parents can help their children by encouraging them to practise their times tables often, using different methods such as games, songs, flashcards, apps, or websites. By doing so, parents can help their children develop confidence and enjoyment in maths.