Burwash CE Primary School Vision 

Burwash School Vision 

The staff and governors at school have spent some time looking at our school vision and have made some changes.  The school vision will now be in three distinct parts showing our intent for the vision, how we will implement it and the impact that we hope it will have.

Intent of Vision

Let Love abide here:

Love for one another.

Love for life itself.

Love of God.

As a Church of England Primary school it is important that our vision is rooted in Christian rationale. We are also keen to have a vision that the children can recall easily and so we have taken elements of the school prayer which is already well known to the children and seems to sum up all that we wish to achieve.

IMPLEMENTATION of Vision- what will we do to achieve our intent?

For this we will use the existing vision statements. We worked on these with a group of stakeholders and still feel that these state clearly, all that wish to achieve-

We are proud to be a forward thinking village school. We are a community who works well together with a strong, trusting, family feel.

Our Christian ethos underpins all that we do. 

 We are a welcoming and inclusive school where everyone is valued and children’s self-esteem, rights and responsibilities are promoted and dignity is respected.

Inspirational teaching promotes high aspirations for all children, both socially and academically. 

A love of learning is nurtured through our vibrant, innovative curriculum. 

Children and staff are confident, happy and independent learners. 

Outdoor learning gives children the opportunity to develop an inquisitive and positive relationship with the natural world.

Children develop an awareness of the wider world through our work in local, national and global partnerships.

Strong governance and leadership ensure a safe and exciting learning environment.

 IMPACT- what will it look like if we achieve our vision?

We feel our school motto- CARING CHILDREN LOVING LEARNING states what the impact will be if we achieve our aims.

Caring Children, Loving Learning-  The school motto seems to sum up for us the sort of child who has embraced our vision: a child who cares for themselves, others around them and the world in which they live – a caring driven by love.  

Debbie Gilbert, 2024

To view the theological rationale behind our vision click here