Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development
Social, Moral, Spiritual & Cultural Development
SMSC stands for Social, moral, spiritual and cultural development. At Burwash CEP School we understand that this aspect of personal development plays a necessary part in pupils’
ability to learn and achieve both in the primary phase of education and later as pupils become responsible citizens of the world.
It is important to us that we provide an education that gives opportunities for children to explore, develop and understand their own and others’ values and beliefs. To enable this we must ensure our children develop high standards of behaviour, a caring attitude, an understanding of social and cultural traditions and an appreciation of the diversity of other cultures as well as providing opportunities to develop spiritual awareness.
SMSC is embedded within school life here at Burwash, through, for example, Religious Education, RSHE(relationships, sex and health education), assemblies, school council work, eco school work, topic work, charity work and time spent at Forest school. This is to name but a few of the opportunities.
Our school vision and motto “Caring Children, Loving Learning” all contribute to the school ethos which fully embraces SMSC opportunities.
Social Development
As a school we aim to provide opportunities that will:
give pupils the chance to experience a sense of belonging
develop an understanding of democracy
develop an understanding of individual and group identity
encourage understanding about service in the school and the wider community
develop compassion for others in society and an understanding about the changing nature of society
begin an understanding of wider social issues locally, nationally and globally.
Moral Development
As a school we aim to provide opportunities that will:
develop an understanding of right and wrong
understand that with rights come responsibilities
recognise the unique worth of every individual
give opportunities to listen and respond to the views of others
show pupils how to learn from mistakes
develop a respect for the world around us
develop initiative and responsibility.
Spiritual Development
As a school we aim to provide opportunities that will:
foster children’s inner lives
develop self esteem
develop capacity for independence
foster pupils’ emotional life
give time for stillness and reflection
allow for opportunities to discuss beliefs, values and responses to personal experiences
develop feelings of awe and wonder.
Cultural Development
As a school we aim to provide opportunities that will:
recognise the values and richness of cultural diversity in Britain
recognise and respect world faiths and beliefs and develop an understanding
help children understand about the country in which they live, how democracy works in Britain and how Britain’s history has shaped the world we live in today.
allow for opportunities to discuss beliefs, values and responses to personal experiences.
British Values
In line with DFE guidance Burwash CEP School promotes the British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Work to support this is part of the ethos of the school but can be seen through examples such as - voting in school council elections to show children democracy in action, emphasising the Golden rules in the school which give the pupils both rights and responsibilities, allowing children to make informed choices about their work and some aspects of school life, showing respect within the school community for everyone, finding out about different cultures and religious traditions in RE, assembly or topic work.
We also spend time with the children finding out about events that are important in Britain. Some of these are annual events such as Remembrance Day; for this we always hold a special service in church with contributions from the children.
Other events are topical for instance –The Coronation of King Charles. Such events help children to understand more about the country in which they live and events of National importance.