As an East Sussex school we follow the East Sussex admission criteria. If you would like a place for your child at Burwash CEP School, we suggest you contact us first. If you then decide to apply you can apply online through East Sussex. Please click on the link to see how to do this, to read the admission criteria and to find the online application form. Please note that in October/November we hold prospective parent meetings for parents of reception aged children who will be due to start school in the following September. There is more information about the admission arrangements for reception children on page 3 of our prospectus.
Burwash Primary School is open for children from 8:50am until 3:25pm for Early Years and Key Stage 1 and 8:50am until 3:30pm for Key Stage 2 from Monday to Friday. This gives a total working week of 32 hours and 55 minutes for Early Years and Key Stage 1 and 33 hours and 20 minutes for Key Stage 2.